My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A friend lent me a copy of the fourth book in this series, and not having finished it in the time we were together, I decided to go back and read the last third. It was then, early 2018, I discovered there were four in the set, so went to the first to catch up on the story.
Well-written and enjoyable, I zipped through the first three and have yet to finish the one that brought me to Peter Temple.
Lots of side details, horse racing, cabinet making, the different lady friends, keep the interest. Knowing very little about the actualities of life in Australia, I found the resolution to be somehow pertinent to my education of same.
UPDATE: Was sad to learn of Temple's passing after finishing book three (actually March 2018), and think that may be why I'm holding off on the last, maybe to savor the flavor.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Dead Point by Peter Temple
My rating: 4 of 5 stars